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Hendersonville Pest Control - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When you are involved in buying or selling a home, you will probably ask a lot of questions. It is very likely that some of them will involve termites - either the insects themselves, or what's necessary to make sure the home doesn't have them. This section provides answers to many of the common questions you may have. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call us!

Why do I need a termite inspection?

Many lenders require it, so they can be sure there are no active termite infestation in any home they finance. If you are buying, you want to be sure you are not buying termites and termite damage along with your new home

How long does the inspection take? What's involved?

Usually, it takes less than an hour. A skilled experienced technician will check the entire house thoroughly, from foundation to roof. He knows exactly where to look for telltale signs of presence of termites or other wood destroying insects, and any damage.

His tools may include a flashlight, a moisture meter, a screwdriver, or other probe, perhaps a small long-handled mirror for inspecting the hard-to-reach areas where termites are found.

What if no evidence of termites is found?

You will receive written notification stating that no visible evidences if infestation have been found in the accessible areas that were checked. However, any home should be inspected periodically, we recommend annually, especially if neighboring homes show signs of termites.

Are there other wood destroying insects besides termites?

Yes. Besides the common termite - the subterranean - there are other kinds of termites, as well as wood destroying beetles, carpenter ants and carpenter bees. Pest Control Professionals know how to identify and treat for them.

What if the inspection shows termites or other wood destroying insects are present?

Then it will be necessary to treat the property to prevent any further damage

What chemicals are used to control termites?

There are several brands and classes of liquid soil treatment products and baits available. Talk with the treatment professionals at Hendersonville Pest Control to get the best treatment advice and product selections and business.

Will my family have to vacate the house?

Only if it is necessary to treat for drywood termites. Subterranean termites can be controlled with the house is occupied. Again, your pest control professional will carefully explain whatever procedures are necessary.

Will there be an odor?

There might be a slight odor for a while after treatment. However, it is non-lingering, and any trace of it should dissapear in a few days. In most cases, no noticable odors are present.

If treatment is needed, what might be the cost?

Cost vary widely, and no specific answer can be given until the inspection has been completed. Construction designs along with the size can vary the cost greatly. It is important to remember, however, that the cost of a termite treatment is minor when compared to the equity and investment represented in a new home.

Could I do it myself?

That is not pratical, since special equipment and application techniques are required. Throughly trained and experienced personell have the skill necessary to do the job properly.